It’s always interesting to see how big the crypto adoption is within your own country. Are you one of the only ones, or are there millions of other crypto investors? The Netherlands, with its 17.7 million inhabitants, is not averse to crypto, that’s for sure. In this article, we discuss the latest research and figures.
Comparison with other research
It’s been a while since research was done on the number of crypto owners in the Netherlands. Kantar came out with a study more than half a year ago. It showed that 1.6 million Dutch people invested in crypto. Has this number grown, or has the bear market scared off some investors?
A recent survey by Multiscope, called “Cryptovaluta Monitor”, shows that the number of investors in the Netherlands has certainly grown. If the figures from Kantar and Multiscope are correct, this means that the number of crypto owners has grown from 1.6 million to 1.9 million. This in a period of about half a year.
Bear market does not stop growth
The Cryptovaluta Monitor, conducted among more than 4,000 respondents, shows that the bear market is not strong enough to stop the growth of crypto. Multiscope also conducted a measurement earlier – in 2018. Since then, more than 1 million crypto investors have joined.
In addition, it showed that more than 70% of crypto investors are male. This doesn’t quite rhyme with the other crypto research on Dutch people. Kantar wrote that women increasingly invest in crypto. According to Kantar, 42% of all investors in the year 2021 were women. Of course, it could also be that more and more men are joining the new generation of investors.
Bitcoin still the most popular currency
Bitcoin is currently the largest crypto currency in the Netherlands. The Cryptovaluta Monitor states that 9% of all Dutch people aged 18 and over own this currency. Altcoins do not perform as well, but there are still a few standouts.
6% of the Dutch have ethereum, 5% have cardano, and 3% of our population have ripple and dogecoin in their portfolio. Still, bitcoin remains in the lead as always, but who knows, this may change in the future.