Bitcoin Revolution – Was the software on The Dragons´Den?

Earn money from cryptocurrencies without having your own expertise? This is possible with crypto robots like Bitcoin Revolution – at least in theory. Despite the many promises made by the operators, no beginner should assume that they will be set for life in no time.

Rather, it is worth taking a look behind the many advertising measures, some of which have gone a little off track.

For many prospective investors, the question arises whether the software can really guarantee such high profits, whether the developers actually auditioned for “Dragons`Den” and whether numerous celebrities invest in the app as advertised. We have tracked down the answers to the most frequently asked questions.

What is “Dragons`Den”?

Mankind’s greatest inventions first had to be thought up. More than that, it took people to believe in them. This is precisely where “Dragons`Den” comes in.

In the German entertainment show, which has been on air since 2014, inventors, start-ups and company founders present their supposedly clever ideas.

In doing so, they have the opportunity to convince the so-called “Dragons” to ask for venture capital at the same time, so that idea and company can mature to the same extent.

If the team of experts around Carsten Maschmeyer is convinced, nothing stands in the way of financial support. Clearly, then, a software like Bitcoin Revolution may also need the additional income.

Bitcoin Revolution experience and test

Was Bitcoin Revolution advertised on “Dragons`Den”?

The answer seems obvious: yes. After all, via Facebook, Google or other advertisements, there are repeated references to the operators introducing themselves and offering their software for sale.

However, there is clear talk of a Bitcoin Revolution fake. In the seasons broadcast so far, the topic of Bitcoin has not been discussed even once.

Neither Bitcoin Revolution nor any other software has received an upward thumbs-up from Carsten Maschmeyer or his colleagues. This may very well change in the future.

But at this stage, it is a far too aggressive promo – attempt that can quickly be exposed as fraudulent.

Tip: Sign up for Bitcoin Revolution TODAY . As of 18.09.2024 the free trial is unfortunately no longer available. Click NOW here to get the free trial.

Which celebrities are investing in Bitcoin Revolution?

It’s hard to say. After all, even celebrities who have already amassed wealth are always on the lookout for new investments that are as risk-free as possible. Accordingly, it would not be surprising if many a famous name actually speculated with Bitcoin Revolution.

But anyone who seriously believes that Günther Jauch, Lena Meyer – Landrut or Oliver Welke have voluntarily given themselves up for advertising is very much mistaken.

Many celebrities have recently announced on their social media channels that they have never heard of a software like Bitcoin Revolution, much less cooperate with it. Once again, we have to assume a fake that belongs in the realm of legends.

The advertising is irregular and dishonest.


  • Luke Handt

    Luke Handt is a seasoned cryptocurrency investor and advisor with over 7 years of experience in the blockchain and digital asset space. His passion for crypto began while studying computer science and economics at Stanford University in the early 2010s.

    Since 2016, Luke has been an active cryptocurrency trader, strategically investing in major coins as well as up-and-coming altcoins. He is knowledgeable about advanced crypto trading strategies, market analysis, and the nuances of blockchain protocols.

    In addition to managing his own crypto portfolio, Luke shares his expertise with others as a crypto writer and analyst for leading finance publications. He enjoys educating retail traders about digital assets and is a sought-after voice at fintech conferences worldwide.

    When he's not glued to price charts or researching promising new projects, Luke enjoys surfing, travel, and fine wine. He currently resides in Newport Beach, California where he continues to follow crypto markets closely and connect with other industry leaders.

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