Crypto Bank is a provider with which you can trade cryptocurrencies on the internet. Crypto Bank promises many things, which are actually kept. First and foremost, it should remain very easy to trade with the currencies.
Since it is not about the classic currencies like the euro or the dollar, it is all a bit different. You can’t hold the currencies like Bitcoin in your hand. So there are no notes or coins that you can use in trading.
Trading Bitcoin and co. only works via the internet. Providers like Crypto Bank offer the platform with the software that can be downloaded from the website.
Here you can not only buy and trade Bitcoin, but also many other currencies that you should not neglect.
What is the minimum stake required at Crypto Bank?
The stake at Crypto Bank must be at least $250. If one cannot raise this, one will have to reload the account at Crypto Bank. If one wishes, one can of course bet considerably more.
There is also an upper limit here from Crypto Bank, which we should all probably reach rather less. As already mentioned, you have to bet at least 100 euros to be able to submit a trade.
If you want to be successful in the long term, you should also plan a few more euros for the deposit, as even the first trade can go wrong. In this case, if you deposit 100 euros, all the money would be gone immediately.
You should therefore deposit at least five times the amount.
Tip: Sign up for Crypto Bank TODAY . As of 14.01.2025 the free trial is unfortunately no longer available. Click NOW here to get the free trial.
Why is there a minimum stake?
The minimum stake is a not so practical thing for the customer who may still be a beginner. If you don’t have any experience with trading Bitcoin and co., it would be practical if you could make trades with a few euros and don’t have to bet 100 euros directly.
But that is exactly the goal of the providers. If you still need to learn, you should create a Crypto Bank demo account and can learn the first steps there without risk.
The minimum stake requested by Crypto Bank is required, as this ensures that there are not a lot of trades for just a few euros. If one uses the software, the provider also has costs in the long run that are caused by the customer.
These could not be covered with the trades in the cent range. This is one of the reasons why you have to bring in at least 100 euros per trade.