Mastercard og Binance lancerer kryptovaluta i Brasilien

Mastercard og Binance vil i fællesskab lancere et forudbetalt kort i Brasilien, Latinamerikas største økonomi. Det er et vigtigt første skridt for Binance til at “bygge bro mellem det traditionelle marked og kryptomarkedet”.

Ifølge en erklæring er det såkaldte Binance Card i øjeblikket i beta-testfasen og skulle blive lanceret inden for få uger. Det gør Brasilien til det andet land i Latinamerika efter Argentina, hvor det vil blive tilgængeligt.

Brasilien er et af Binances ti største markeder, ifølge verdens største spot- og derivatbørs. Det forudbetalte kort skal hjælpe alle nye og eksisterende Binance-brugere i landet med at betale med kryptovalutaer på Mastercard-points-of-sales.

  • Ivan Brightly

    Ivan Brightly is a leading cryptocurrency analyst and author with over 5 years of experience in the blockchain and digital asset space. He previously served as a senior analyst at a major cryptocurrency hedge fund where he led quantitative research and trading strategy development.

    Ivan holds a Master's degree in Finance from the London School of Economics and a Bachelor's in Computer Science from Stanford University. He is frequently invited to speak at fintech and blockchain conferences worldwide on topics spanning cryptocurrency trading, blockchain technology, and the future of digital assets.

    Ivan's commentary has been featured in several major finance and technology publications including Forbes, Bloomberg, and CoinDesk. He is considered one of the most insightful voices analyzing new developments in the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry.