Wife Hal Finney wants to raise money for ALS with Running Bitcoin

Hal Finney’s Twitter account has come back to life. In itself, this is nothing new, given that the late cypherpunk’s wife started this a few weeks ago. But now she is launching a campaign: Running Bitcoin.

Running against ALS

Fran Finney has started tweeting to save Finney’s iconic Twitter account. He was the first person known to run bitcoin software after Satoshi.

His wife now shares that she is organising a “special event” in honour of her late husband. It involves a half-marathon in which anyone from around the world can participate. The aim is to raise money for ALS with as many people as possible.

This is the muscle disease that proved fatal to Hal. He was diagnosed in 2009 and died of the disease in 2014. Medical help is still far away for this disease and so Fran Finney started a campaign.

You can read more on the website runningbitcoin.us. Between 1 and 10 January, the Running Bitcoin marathon will start. And yep: it involves 21 km, referring to the 21 million BTC. It doesn’t matter where in the world you run this half marathon and whether you arrange it alone or with a group of bitcoiners.

The goal is the same for everyone: to run 21 km and raise money in the process. Fran hopes to raise $50,000. Meanwhile, the counter stands at almost 10%. Incidentally, Finney was an avid marathon runner himself.

Running bitcoin is Finney’s tweet that is still going around the internet. He refers to running the node software. Because the account had been inactive for a long time, there were fears that the iconic account would be deleted. Therefore, wife Fran is now taking control.

  • Ivan Brightly

    Ivan Brightly is a leading cryptocurrency analyst and author with over 5 years of experience in the blockchain and digital asset space. He previously served as a senior analyst at a major cryptocurrency hedge fund where he led quantitative research and trading strategy development.

    Ivan holds a Master's degree in Finance from the London School of Economics and a Bachelor's in Computer Science from Stanford University. He is frequently invited to speak at fintech and blockchain conferences worldwide on topics spanning cryptocurrency trading, blockchain technology, and the future of digital assets.

    Ivan's commentary has been featured in several major finance and technology publications including Forbes, Bloomberg, and CoinDesk. He is considered one of the most insightful voices analyzing new developments in the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry.